Brenda Smith Achievement Award 2022 - Jenny Mapson

Type of post: Chorus News Item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Henrietta Farr
Status: Current
Date Posted: Mon, 19 Dec 2022
'The Brenda' for 2022 goes to Jenny Mapson!

The Brenda Smith Achievement Award is given to a member of the chorus who not only upholds the chorus values but goes above and beyond, pursuing musical excellence and contributing to the chorus in many other ways.

Jenny was nominated and voted by the chorus to be the winner this year due to her humble 'quiet achiever' nature. Jenny is our chorus webmaster, assistant bass section leader and riser expert extraordinaire. She has excelled vocally over the past few years and is always happy to help with whatever may be needed.

Congratulations to Jenny on this well-deserved recognition!