Musical Leadership Team

Musical Director - Henrietta Farr

Henrietta joined Vocal Vibes in 2014 and went on to become Tenor Section Leader and Assistant Director before taking on the role of Musical Director in 2019. She was the winner of the 2018 Marian Reinsch Award – an award that recognises excellence in the Sweet Adelines International Director’s Certification Program. She is also a band leader at St Hilary's Anglican Church in Kew specialising in lead and backing vocals but occasionally gets the chance to play viola which is a highly underrated instrument!

Henrietta is one of the biggest cheerleaders for barbershop harmony singing in Victoria, collaborating with other choruses and leading the Victorian Quartet Club which promotes small group singing and building confidence in performance. 

In her professional life Henrietta is a continuous improvement practitioner for the Victorian Government which means she loves processes but recognises that sometimes "Fail fast, learn fast" is the best approach. 


Visual Team Leader - Lara Wilson  




Assistant Director - Elizabeth Pearson

Chorus Coach - Jeanette Whitmore