Latest News

  • Vocal Vibes celebrates 14th anniversary
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 14 Jul 2024
    We celebrated our 14th anniversary with singing, food and sharing of fond memories 🥰

    We also took the time for some important conversations about diversity and inclusion to make sure Vocal Vibes is a safe and welcoming space for future members.

    Check out the amazing triple layer red velvet cake made by our membership coordinator Michelle.
  • Sweet Adeline of the Year - Katrina Nash
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 18 Jun 2024
  • VV Values Award - Charni Pilkington
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 18 Jun 2024
    Our next Vocal Vibes Values award goes to the larger than life Charni!

    Past recipient Jenny highlighted that Charni is wonderfully welcoming to new members, works hard to learn the repertoire and always helps out with a smile. Congratulations Charni ❤

  • VV Values Award - Jenny Stephenson
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 25 Apr 2024
    Congratulations to Jenny who was awarded the VV Values sash from Karen for being inclusive and welcoming, as well as a consistent hard worker.

  • BHA 2024
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 7 Apr 2024

    We had a wonderful afternoon at the BHA Victorian Region Contest! It was a great opportunity to perform and receive constructive feedback.
    Congratulations to all of the performers today, especially the champions Mixed Signals and our two quartets Tympani and Crystal Sound who placed first and second in the women's quartet contest.
    Although we weren't officially competing, we're very pleased with our score of 71.7% which made us the top scoring chorus on the day. 
    We're pleased to be able to share the video from our performance at the Barbershop Harmony Australia Victorian Region contest. The set featured the public debut of the very fun 'Love is an Open Door'.

    Special thank you to Barbershop Harmony Australia for having us, the fantastic volunteer judges, the steering committee, and Susie Conway for photography and videography. 
    YouTube Video URL:
  • Tickets now on sale for A Celebration of Barbershop
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 21 Mar 2024

    Vocal Vibes Chorus presents a Celebration of Barbershop Music at The Round.

    Experience the power of only the human voice. Featuring songs by Elvis, Adele, The Beatles, jazz classics and music from films such as Disney’s Frozen, there is something for everyone. 

    The program features Vocal Vibes, a 40-piece vocal ensemble based in Ringwood. We invite you to hear some of our new songs and fan favourites from our repertoire of acapella music.

    Joining them are Australia's current Barbershop Harmony Quartet Champions, Melbourne-based Mixed Signals. From soulful ballads to energetic jazz tunes, Mixed Signals never fails to captivate and engage their audience. 

    You will also hear special guest artists:

    Join us for a 2-hour musical journey filled with rich harmonies and unforgettable memories.

  • Founding Musical Director Lorraine Stackpoole retires
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 17 Mar 2024
    Vocal Vibes would like to announce the retirement from chorus of our founding director Lorraine Stackpoole after 36 years in Sweet Adelines. Lorraine has made an enormous contribution to generations of barbershop singers in Australia.

    We invite past members and friends to join us on Monday 25th March to mark Lorraine's last rehearsal with us.

  • VV Values Award - Karen Dawson
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 20 Feb 2024
    Our first VV Values recipient for 2024 is Karen Dawson!

    In nominating Karen, Lara highlighted that Karen always arrives early and helps with riser set up, learns her music diligently and is a humble and caring chorus member. Thank you Karen for displaying our chorus values!

  • Coaching with Lea Baker
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 19 Feb 2024
    Vocal Vibes kicked off the year by upskilling with Lea Baker's online vocal course followed by a weekend of vocal coaching with Lea Baker herself!

    Lea helps singers to find vocal freedom and ease through the use of natural, organic and instinctive vocalisations and embodying sound.

    We enjoyed a full chorus session on Saturday 17th February, a special session for leads and basses on Sunday morning and a full chorus wrap up on Sunday afternoon. The quote of the weekend was "Resonance means more sound for free!".

    Here's to singing with more resonance and freedom.

  • Brenda Smith Achievement Award 2023 - Katrina Nash
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 13 Dec 2023
    'The Brenda' for 2023 goes to Katrina Nash!

    The Brenda Smith Achievement Award is given to a member of the chorus who not only upholds the chorus values but goes above and beyond, pursuing musical excellence and contributing to the chorus in many other ways.

    Katrina was nominated and voted by the chorus to be the winner this year for excelling in all areas of her chorus life. Katrina is our Membership Coordinator and Baritone Section Coordinator. She has acted as Team Coordinator, is on the front row, often sets up the live stream and was noted by members as being very 'down to earth' and welcoming. 

    Congratulations to Katrina on this well-deserved recognition!

  • Farewell Di B, Di C & Sue H
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 11 Dec 2023
    Vocal Vibes would like to announce the retirement of three of our founding members - Diana Bagulho, Diane Cheek and Sue Harvey.

    Words cannot express our gratitude to these three wonderful women who have filled many, many roles over the last 15 years to get our chorus to where we are today. We hope you enjoy this slideshow with just a few of the memories we've shared over the years. 

    While they are not featured in the slideshow, we would also like to thank Stan, Eric and Bill. Our family members are the unsung heroes of Vocal Vibes and these three have done many sausage sizzles, loaded risers into trucks and cleared out of the house when all of us descended for a planning day.
    YouTube Video URL:
  • Welcome to new Visual Team Leader Lara Wilson
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 20 Sep 2023

    Vocal Vibes is pleased to announce Lara Wilson as the new Visual Team Leader. We look forward to learning and growing with Lara as she takes on this exciting new role. 

    Lara was awarded the Vocal Vibes Values award by previous recipient Barbara.

  • VV Values Award - Barbara Toohey
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 5 Sep 2023
    Our next Vocal Vibes Values award recipient is Barbara. Nominated by Jess for being exceptionally kind and welcoming, supporting the management team as Secretary and for driving a long way each week to rehearsals! Thank you and congratulations to Barbara.

  • Happy 13th Birthday to Vocal Vibes
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 20 Jul 2023
    We recently celebrated our 13th anniversary of incorporation with Sweet Adelines. As well as celebrating at our August party night, Vocal Vibes hosted singers from other choruses for an afternoon of singing and socialising. This initiative was run as part of the Victorian Quartet Club which promotes quartet and small group singing. 

    Thank you to Michelle for baking the amazing cake which was cut by founding members Bridget and Diane. 

  • VV Values Award - Jess Seargant
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 5 Jun 2023
    The Vocal Vibes Values award has been passed on to Jess! Frances had a long list of reasons why she selected Jess for this honour. This included her delicious cooking, thoughtful gifts, fast and accurate learning, and the fact that she consistently puts up her hand to help out.

    We're a big fan of Jess and so grateful that she decided to join us!

  • Join us in June!
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 27 May 2023

    On the first Monday of the month we finish a bit early and celebrate member milestones with a cup of tea at the end of the night. All rehearsals are open to visitors but we particularly welcome friends, family members and prospective members to the first Monday. 

    You will have the opportunity to join and sing with us in four-part harmony or just observe and see what we do. Join us in June as we learn fun new music and prepare for spring performances!

    Guests can visit up to three rehearsals for free before deciding whether to audition to join.

    Please RSVP by emailing

    Vocal Vibes is a fully vaccinated group of singers
  • Brisbane Convention results
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 9 May 2023
    We're happy and tired after a big weekend of barbershop singing in Brisbane.

    Congratulations to all of the fantastic Region 34 quartets and choruses - especially our neighbours Melbourne Chorus who took out the win in the small chorus category ❤️

    Vocal Vibes scored 516 points, placing 13th in the chorus contest. 

    YouTube Video URL:
  • VV Values Award - Frances Dyson
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 8 Mar 2023
    Katrina chose to nominate Frances Dyson, our Membership Coordinator for the Vocal Vibes Values award.  

    Frances has done an amazing job keeping members engaged and supported during a challenging few years. She's put in extra hours to simplify membership processes and remove barriers. Frances started in our lead part and has made a huge effort to relearn songs in baritone to best support the chorus musically. She's always one of the first in and last to leave, helping with whatever is needed.

    Frances shows the heart, the drive and the vibe every single week. Thank you Frances for everything that you do! ❤️

  • 2...4...8...WAIT!
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 8 Feb 2023
    We've had an exciting start to the year with visitors doubling every week. Our next open rehearsal is the first week in March which will be our last one until after we compete in May.

    We're enjoying our focused rehearsals to prepare for competing, but they're a little bit less beginner-friendly than usual. If you're looking to 'ease in' you may want to wait until May to visit us when we're learning new music 🎶

  • First rehearsal for 2023 - 23rd January
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 1 Jan 2023

    **Please note earlier start time of 7:15pm**

    We're back! Rehearsals for 2023 start on Monday 23rd January and guests and prospective members are welcome to attend.
    This event is an open rehearsal where you will have the opportunity to join and sing with us in four-part harmony or just observe and see what we do. We welcome new members throughout the year.

    Please let us know that you are intending to come by responding to this event or emailing

    Vocal Vibes is a fully vaccinated group of singers.
    YouTube Video URL:
  • Brenda Smith Achievement Award 2022 - Jenny Mapson
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 19 Dec 2022
    'The Brenda' for 2022 goes to Jenny Mapson!

    The Brenda Smith Achievement Award is given to a member of the chorus who not only upholds the chorus values but goes above and beyond, pursuing musical excellence and contributing to the chorus in many other ways.

    Jenny was nominated and voted by the chorus to be the winner this year due to her humble 'quiet achiever' nature. Jenny is our chorus webmaster, assistant bass section leader and riser expert extraordinaire. She has excelled vocally over the past few years and is always happy to help with whatever may be needed.

    Congratulations to Jenny on this well-deserved recognition!

  • Maroondah Carols 2022
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 6 Dec 2022

    Thank you to Maroondah City Council and MD David Billimoria for inviting us to be part of the wonderful 2022 Maroondah Carols!

    It was a bit of a surprise when we were asked if anyone wanted to step up and fill in for a soloist who couldn't attend. Luckily Adele, Henrietta and Sam were brave enough to give it a go and cover three songs.

    We had a wonderful evening and can't wait for next year! 
  • VV Values Award - Katrina Nash
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 21 Nov 2022
    Our last Vocal Vibes Values awardee Chris Forbes (grant application writer extraordinaire) passed on the sash to the very deserving Katrina Nash. Chris passed on the award while Katrina was watching the live stream from overseas which shows what a dedicated member she is. 

    Katrina was nominated for her tireless work on the music and management teams as well as consistently arriving early to help set up the risers and live stream. As this is the final VV Values award for 2022, Katrina will have the opportunity to select the next recipient in 2023. 

    Congratulations and thank you to Katrina!

  • Vocal Australia AUSACA 2022
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 20 Nov 2022
    Vocal Australia AUSACA 2022
    We were very excited to open the Vocal Australia AUSACA contest this afternoon! We entered the showcase division to get some expert feedback and it was a fantastic experience to share the virtual stage with so many talented singers.

    Congratulations to all of the other groups! You can now check out our performance on YouTube:
    YouTube Video URL:
  • Guest quartets at rehearsal
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 22 Oct 2022

    We've almost had a full house at recent rehearsals with lots of members returning to the risers after school holidays. We were also thrilled to welcome Scratch That Itch quartet (feat. our Team Coordinator Lynette), BHA mixed champions Mixed Signals Quartet and our own scratch quartet the 'Sweet Adelaides'

    Quartet singing is the most well-known form of barbershop harmony and we encourage singers to try it out. It's a great way of rehearsing and building confidence in performing.

  • Sold out Christmas in July show!
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 3 Aug 2022
    Our Christmas in July show was a sold out hit with friends and family enjoying an hour of singing followed by a festive afternoon tea. You can enjoy a snippet of the show with some of our wonderful emcees in the video linked below.

    YouTube Video URL:
  • VV Values Award - Cathy Thomas
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 28 Jun 2022

    Big smiles from our Sweet Adeline of the year Sue Harvey and Vocal Vibes Values Awardee for June Cathy Thomas. Sue received her pin from Sweet Adelines Australia and Cathy was presented her sash from past recipient Bridget. Thank you to both of these fantastic women for all they do for Vocal Vibes.

    The VV Values award is presented to someone identified by the previous recipient as displaying our values 'The Heart, The Drive, The Vibe'. Bridget noted when presenting the award to Cathy that she displays all of these values having undertaken many roles in the chorus including Chorus Manager and making a point of being up to date with all of her auditions. 

    The Sweet Adeline of the Year is presented to our recipient of the Brenda Smith Achievement Award which is awarded in December each year. We are delighted to see Sue recognised by Sweet Adelines Australia!
  • Christmas in July tickets now on sale!
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 14 Jun 2022

    Vocal Vibes are heading for the hills for some (rescheduled!) Christmas in July fun!

    Join us as we journey through Fields of Gold and wonder at My Country. Rejoice with us as we Let It Snow, ring some Jingle Bells, and bring Joy to the World.

    It’s time to gather family and friends, as we celebrate doing what we love best. Join us for an afternoon of singing, joy and a snowball or two!

    Afternoon tea will be provided after the concert.

    Book here:
    Limited seating available!
  • Lindsey Dyer Achievement Award
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 18 May 2022

    We are honoured to be the 2022 recipients of the Lindsey Dyer Achievement Award. 

    This award was established in memory of the late Lindsey Dyer, who was a passionate leader within Sweet Adelines Australia. Lindsey contributed to the organisation in many ways: as an eight-time winning bass in three champion quartets, Master Co-Director of a champion chorus, a founding Director of two choruses, a member of the Regional Education Faculty, Education Coordinator, Directors' Coordinator, a mentor, coach, and friend to many. 

    The award is open to choruses and quartets which, over the last year, have worked to improve their performance and skills while upholding the values of Sweet Adelines International in Australia. This may be demonstrated by consistent attendance at regional education events, working with Regional Education Faculty and/or coaches, engagement with the community, positive group culture and, most of all, a love of barbershop with demonstrable initiative and commitment to the values of Sweet Adelines International.

    YouTube Video URL:
  • BHA Victorian Region Contest 2022
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 15 May 2022
    We were thrilled to perform at the Barbershop Harmony Australia (BHA) Victorian Region contest. This event is a fantastic opportunity to receive feedback so that we can keep improving and we also happened to get the top score out of the three competing choruses!

    Special congratulations to Adele, Clare, Jess and Teresa who made their performance debut with Vocal Vibes.

    YouTube Video URL:
  • Vocal Vibes Values Award - Bridget Rolfe
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 7 Apr 2022

    Our next recipient of the Vocal Vibes Values award is Bridget Rolfe. You can read the reasons that Nadine (previous recipient) nominate Bridget below.

    Bridget demonstrates all of the Vocal Vibes Values, but I would particularly like to commend her for “THE DRIVE”.
    One of the ways in which she has shown that she is truly COMMITTED is through her dedication to the role of Costume Coordinator which she has held ever since the Vocal Vibes Chorus began! 
    When I joined Vocal Vibes I will never forget that Bridget invited me to her home, and I was surprised to discover she had a full wardrobe of costumes, shoes, fabric and accessories there! She measured me up and fitted me out with what I needed, and I know she sews and repairs as necessary to fit. She is a true PROFESSIONAL.  
    Although before my time, I love hearing the story of when Bridget was ADAPTABLE and showed DETERMINATION by turning the red dresses into the red tops that we love to wear to every Christmas sing out.  These were also values on display by Bridget during COVID, when she was able to teach us how to use stage make-up on Zoom.
    Bridget has truly MASTERED this important role in the Chorus, as well as being a wonderful contributor to the Visual Team and Chorus generally.
  • April 2022 Rehearsal Schedule
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 22 Mar 2022

    Thinking of visiting? We have a reduced rehearsal schedule in April due to a retreat and some upcoming public holidays so please email before attending. We'll be back every week in May!

  • Vocal Vibes welcomes 100th member!
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 27 Feb 2022

    Give a warm welcome to our 100th ever Vocal Vibes member! We knew Adele was going to be a wonderful addition to our lead section when she sang 'Rolling in the Deep' with us on her first night...  

    She's also set the benchmark for fastest audition time with three songs passed in three weeks which happens to be the minimum number of rehearsals that you need to attend before applying for membership! 👏👏👏
  • "We will adjust!" - a sneak peek into rehearsals
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 16 Feb 2022
    Our motto for the year is 'We will adjust'!
    This has been evident in our flexible approach to rehearsals to make sure we can spend as much time outside as possible while trying to stay out of the sun. We usually do our physical warm ups and vocal warm ups together inside on the nice flat floor then break up into smaller outdoor sectional rehearsals before coming back together to rehearse out the front on risers.

    If you are planning to visit a rehearsal the first step is to enter through the front and check in and we will allocate a buddy to help you to navigate rehearsal as we move around. Please let us know to look out for you by emailing 

    You can check out more recent photos from rehearsal on our Facebook page.
  • Come 'Over the Rainbow' with us in 2022 - Rehearsals start 31st January
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 4 Jan 2022

    Vocal Vibes is starting off 2022 by learning 'Over the Rainbow'.

    Rehearsals start on Monday 31st of January and we are holding a workshop on Saturday 5th February to kick off the year. 

    If you would like more information on how to join us please email We'd love to hear how we can help you take the next step in your singing journey!
  • Brenda Smith Award 2021 - Sue Harvey
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 6 Dec 2021
    The Brenda Smith Award for 2021 goes to Sue Harvey!

    This award, affectionately known as "The Brenda" is awarded to a chorus member nominated by the members as displaying all of the Vocal Vibes Values as well as commitment to advancing their vocal skills

    Keep reading for some of the reasons members nominated Sue:
    • Sue has been a member since Vocal Vibes started. She has kept us going through the pandemic and is a huge support to Henrietta. She does so much behind the scenes. Sue runs a great Management Team meeting every month. Organised and efficient. She is an excellent administrator. Together with Henrietta, I credit her with keeping Vocal Vibes alive and active during the pandemic.

    • Consistently displays all the positive attributes that reflect VV’s values despite another challenging year.

    • Sue has been a wonderful leader and chorus member throughout very difficult past years. Sue has always made herself available to assist and problem solve and serves the members as our TC with a very caring and professional manner. Sue is everything the Brenda Smith award stands for.

    • Sue consistently takes on additional responsibilities such as front row, multiple roles in the Management Team and previous Bass Section Leader. This year she has done an excellent job of keeping chorus members informed of changing restrictions and has continued to keep her own auditions up to date, even when motivation has been low. It would be criminal for Sue not to win the Brenda this year!

    • Sue Harvey has given us all a very generous gift. The calm leadership she has shown in a really challenging year has kept us going. Along with Henrietta and the Teams, I wish we could vote for them all. Sue, thank you so much

    • For helping stay the Chorus through a difficult time both last year and this year.

    • Outstanding work keeping VV afloat during pandemic and always.

    • Sue has been a tremendous asset to the Chorus for many, many years. She continues to demonstrate her passion for barbershop and works well on her skills at rehearsal and in her own time. Her leadership and guidance through the challenging COVID situation we faced in 2020-2021 has really shone, and she has been an exceptionally supportive leader to all through this unprecedented time. Sue is a passionate and committed member of Vocal Vibes, and an incredibly worthy recipient of the Brenda Smith award.

    • Sue has shown all the criteria throughout her chorus life, especially over the past 2 years of us living with COVID. Sue has shown grace, humour, and leadership as our Management Team Co-ordinator, also working on our Christmas in July show and many other tasks behind the scenes. This year so many members deserve an award for all they have contributed but Sue stands out. 

    • Sue has worked so hard for the chorus for many years and continues to do so. And sharing her musical talents.

    • A constant tower of strength during the most difficult of times, Sue has demonstrated the Vocal Vibes Values – The Heart. The Drive. The Vibe. She has articulated compassion, enthusiasm, and determination. She strives to keep her auditions up to date and maintain her vocal skills (as much as feasible this last year). She brings humour, is thoughtful of others and uses her personality effectively to engage members. I think she is an outstanding candidate for the Brenda in 2021.

    • Her commitment to Vocal Vibes. A wonderful TC during some tough times and especially during the Covid times. Her humour and her humility. She has been the glue that has kept us together.

  • Open Rehearsals 22 & 29 November
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 7 Nov 2021

    We are back rehearsing in person and there are two more open rehearsals for 2021. Email to let us know that you're coming or to find out more information!
  • Vocal Vibes Values Award - Nadine Courmadias
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 8 Oct 2021
    Nadine was nominated for this award by Sue Burke. Read the nomination below:

    "Even though we havent been physically together now for a few months I have seen Nadine working behind the scenes helping with warm ups, visual assistance and anything Henrietta asks for assistance with and she did actually work in the group to develop VV values.
    Hard to single one person out of our large group of members who are working behind the scenes to keep us all motivated but I know Nadine does put her hand up to help out often and her contributions are always well received."

    Congratulations Nadine! 
  • In memory of Debbie Neilsen
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 29 Sep 2021
    Today we celebrate the life of Debbie Neilsen.

    Deb was a founding member and driving force of Vocal Vibes. She served in many roles including Lead Section Leader, Assistant Director, Makeup Chair, Management Team Member. Her passion, tenacity and resilience helped lay the foundations of Vocal Vibes. Deb passed away on 27th September 2021 following three years of treatment for breast cancer.

    To honour her memory we will be making a donation to Thursday Girls. Thank you for everything Debbie.
    YouTube Video URL:
  • Congratulations to all our participants
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 6 Sep 2021
    Congratulations to all our participants
    It ended up with all 3 weeks on zoom but we couldn't help falling in love with our guests! Thank you for spending your Monday evenings with us ❤️

    We are still rehearsing every week on zoom while restrictions are in place and we're excited to see some of our participants progressing to audition for membership.

    If you would like to visit a zoom rehearsal please email and we will send you the zoom link and rehearsal details. 
  • Learn to Sing A Cappella in 3 Weeks
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 28 Jul 2021

    Join us to learn to sing a cappella in three weeks.

    We are throwing open the doors and welcoming new singers to learn the beautiful ballad 'I Can't Help Falling in Love With You'. In these uncertain times there is no time like the present to start a new hobby!

    $30 covers all three weeks.

    Register online through TryBooking.

    With the changes to restrictions we are planning for the first two weeks of the course to be run on zoom and the third to be "in-person". There are limited places available so make sure you register to secure your place!

    YouTube Video URL:
  • Vocal Vibes Values Award - Sue Burke
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 17 Jul 2021
    Vocal Vibes Values Award - Sue Burke

    The inaugural Vocal Vibes Values award has been presented to Sue Burke.

    Sue was nominated by Elizabeth Pearson and was selected by the management team for the award. Read the nomination below:

    “I nominate Sue Burke for our 'Values' recognition, in the category of The Drive (although she demonstrates the attributes of every category). I have been particularly impressed with the way Sue has applied herself to our art recently. It is evident she has put aside focused time to work on accuracy and other vocal skills at home, with 'sound' results! I love the way she seeks, receives and uses feedback to improve her performance. Added to this her efforts in the Marketing department demonstrate her commitment to our Chorus. Sue is a great member of our Vocal Vibes community."

    Sue will select another member of the chorus who displays the Vocal Vibes Values as the next recipient of this perpetual award.

  • 2 years since the 'Back to the Future' show
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 20 Jun 2021
    It's been two years since we were invited to perform as part of the 'Back to the Future' show with the Melbournaires! To reminisce, our director Henrietta had a chat with Carla who made her Vocal Vibes debut on the front row for this performance.
    YouTube Video URL:
  • Zoom Rehearsal - 31st May 2021
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 30 May 2021
    Zoom Rehearsal - 31st May 2021
    With the Melbourne lockdown we're back on Zoom this week. If you're keen to join us email and we will send you all of the details. 

    Visitors are still welcome to attend Zoom rehearsals and if you are interested in becoming a member of Vocal Vibes we can place you in one of the four voice parts and tell you a bit more about the journey to membership. The advantage of being voice placed is that it means you can get a head start on learning the audition songs before we see you "in person". For more information on the audition process, visit our 'Join Us' page.

    We will be back to rehearsing in person as soon as restrictions indicate that it is safe to do so! Keep an eye on our Facebook page to stay up to date. 
  • 2021 Rehearsals commence 1 February
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 28 Jan 2021
    2021 Rehearsals commence 1 February
    We're very excited to be returning to rehearsals on Monday 1st February. Visitors and prospective members are welcome but please let us know that you're coming by emailing so that we can comply with density requirements.

    Rehearsal format will vary based on weather conditions to include both indoor and outdoor components. Please bring a mask with you as masks will be required for the indoor singing. 
  • 2020 Year in Review
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 7 Dec 2020
    2020 Year in Review
    Our chorus year wraps up a bit earlier than usual tonight and what a year it's been! Let's take a look back on 2020...
    YouTube Video URL:
  • 10th Anniversary Celebrations
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 29 Oct 2020
    10th Anniversary Celebrations
    Vocal Vibes have been busy during the Covid-19 experience.  Henrietta and her team have done a brilliant job of keeping the momentum of this vibrant chorus going.  Our Zoom meetings are the absolute highlight of our chorus week, and we have welcomed our newest member Katrina (who we look forward to meeting in person)!

    There have been many highlights, with perhaps the most significant being our 10-Year anniversary on 14th July.   This was celebrated with a special afternoon event. Faye and Sam spent many hours compiling a variety of videos and photos to revisit the exciting journey of Vocal Vibes.

    We dressed up in our first convention costume, complete with makeup and watched the videos of the four convention contests we have competed in. A fun, GoggleBox style commentary from some of the members ensured lots of laughs.   

    We were joined by special presenter Brenda Smith, our founding choreographer as she and Lorraine, our founding director shared wonderful memories. Messages of congratulations were received from regional leaders Michelle Neller (SAA TC), Jenni Pyefinch (Director’s Co-ordinator), and Vicki Dwyer.  Gail Jencik (our last coach before lockdown) sent her video of congratulations and the dynamic Lynne Smith dropped into our Zoom celebrations to surprise us all. 

    Members received a Vocal Vibes 10-year membership badge in the mail, and we hope it won’t be too long before we can celebrate face to face in true Vocal Vibes style.

    Another major highlight was our Trivia Night, hosted by Kate & Andrew Hawkins.  Team “Let’s Get Quizzical” took out the honors but a fun night, filled with laughter, a baby photo guessing competition, and a test of our Barbershop/SAI knowledge/Vocal Vibes history was had by all.

    The Management Team and members acknowledge the hard work of the 10-Year Anniversary Team.  They have had to change their plans to suit Covid 19 restrictions and we thank the team of Lorraine, Faye, Sam & Bridget, ably led by Annet, for bringing us such joy.

    We are all looking forward to getting back to rehearsal and singing together once again!!!
  • Video collaboration during isolation
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 6 May 2020
    Video collaboration during isolation
    Sending out Melbourne Vibes with this collaboration with some of our friends from Melbourne Chorus. Last weekend we would have been together for a pre-contest show at Box Hill Town Hall so we did the next best thing. Singing builds life-long friendships and we can't wait to catch up in person.

    We also recorded 'An Irish Blessing' during this time of isolation so head over to our Youtube channel or Facebook page to view both videos. 
    YouTube Video URL:
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 15 Mar 2020
    Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation we have cancelled face-to-face rehearsals for now and will re-evaluate as things change. 

    We love singing together and will be using online resources to get our weekly dose of music and community. If you have been thinking of visiting us please get in touch with our Team Coordinator Sue ( or Director Henrietta ( so that we can keep you updated on our rehearsal schedule and connect you with some online resources to get started on your singing journey.
  • VV entertains at International Women’s Day events 2020
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 12 Mar 2020
    VV entertains at International Women’s Day events 2020

    Vocal Vibes were proud to appear on the bill at varied IWD events again this year. This week around a third of VV's members entertained diners at a local Lion's Club event, fundraising for  On this occasion we were ably led by our former director and continuing member Jeanette Whitmore, while our Music Director Henrietta Farr was working out of town a few days.

    Meanwhile last week for IWD, another combination of members represented VV at a meeting of the Dept of Transport's Women's Network.  Henrietta was especially invited to showcase her after-hours activity among other extraordinary Department women.  You see ... by day, our MD Henrietta is a Geotechnical Engineer!  

  • Ringwood rings with a Cappella harmonies
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 16 Feb 2020
    Ringwood rings with a Cappella harmonies
    Eastland provided a beautiful setting for a delightful pop up performance, when we were engaged to entertain the local community this weekend.
  • What fun it is...
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 23 Dec 2019
    What fun it is...
    Bringing JOY to the neighbourhood in this wonderland a few doors up from our Christmas party!
    YouTube Video URL:
  • Bendigo Bank supports Vocal Vibes
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 10 Dec 2019
    Bendigo Bank supports Vocal Vibes
    Literally!!  Bendigo Bank is supporting VV members with a fantastic contribution toward an additional set of risers so we can spread out safely in harmonious formation.  Our sincere gratitude goes to this wonderful local and community-minded bank.
  • Performance at RSACB 17th Concert for Cancer
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 8 Sep 2019
    Performance at RSACB 17th Concert for Cancer
    Vocal Vibes were delighted to be once more invited to join Ringwood Salvation Army's Annual Concert for Cancer.  We took the stage  for alternating sets between performances by their wonderful Citadel Band and illustrious guest cornet soloist Matthew Stein.  The audience was enthusiastic and appreciative, and our members feel privileged to contribute to this supportive & celebratory event.   The beautiful closing candle lighting ceremony brings special significance to audience and performers alike.
  • Our 2019 country retreat
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 28 Jul 2019
    Our 2019 country retreat
    Our biennial weekend getaway for members took place last weekend, and we were excited to work with Master Director Vicki Dwyer as our special Coach for this winter retreat in the Dandenongs.  

    Vicki is a respected member of the Regional Education Faculty for Sweet Adelines Australia, and a sought-after coach for choruses and quartets.  Personally, Vicki received 4 gold medals singing Lead with Accolade quartet (representing Australia at International) and more recently in her current quartet Alouette, consistently places top 3 in our Region 34 Quartet competition.
    She is a professional singing teacher and directs Circular Keys Chorus as well as Sydney Harmony men’s chorus.   In 2009 Vicki directed Circular Keys Chorus to their first international Sweet Adelines competition in Denver, and again last year they competed in the Harmony Classic category and performed a fantastic Australian themed medley for the enthusiastic international audience at St Louis USA.

    Of course "What happens at retreat, stays at retreat" - but hey nothing wrong with rewarding hard work with a little fun and relaxation!  What better way to spend a chilly weekend away with friends, working on our craft together and preparing our competition songs for the next national convention in Hobart 2020.  Not to mention a warming fireplace, all meals provided, celebrating VV's 9th birthday, and invigorating strolls among the native birds & eucalypts.  
  • I am .. You are .. We are Australian!!
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 13 Jul 2019
    I am .. You are .. We are Australian!!

    A representative ensemble of Vocal Vibes singers again had the honour of singing for some of our newest Australian citizens at a recent Maroondah Citizenship Ceremony in Ringwood.   We love adding sparkle and harmony to important events in our community.  It's somehow special having a small part in such a memorable day for those choosing to become Australian. 

    Never truer the lyric:  "We'll share a dream and sing with one voice!!"


  • Introducing our 2019 Management Team!
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 16 Apr 2019
    Introducing our 2019 Management Team!

    Each year we are extremely grateful for the talented members who take on the many important roles on various teams that keep our chorus thriving.  At our recent AGM we were fortunate to have more nominees volunteer than the number of roles available!  Special thanks go to all new, outgoing & continuing Management Team members..

  • SAA Grant win sends VV Choreographer to Texas!
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 20 Feb 2019
    SAA Grant win sends VV Choreographer to Texas!
    We're more than a little excited to learn that Vocal Vibes' member Faye Putt has won a regional grant to attend the Sweet Adelines International Directors & Visual Leaders' seminar in Texas this August! 

    Australian chorus choreographers were invited to apply for a single sponsorship to attend “A Brand New Song & Dance” in San Antonio TX, however based on their application content, vision and purpose, two exemplary applicants could not be separated.  As a result, Faye from Vocal Vibes in Victoria, and Megan from Redland Rhapsody Chorus in Qld, were announced joint winners of the 2019 Region 34 Education Grant.

    A report of their insights will be published in the following Sweet Adelines Australia publication "Ozchords", and both Faye and Megan will be invited to present at the 2020 Regional Director’s School.  VV members are thrilled for our talented and hard-working Choreographer Faye to enjoy this experience and return to us inspired by highly esteemed faculty sharing their passion and new ideas in visual expression and showmanship!

  • Community Grant from the Bendigo Bank
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 18 Jan 2019
    Community Grant from the Bendigo Bank
    Vocal Vibes is the proud recipient of a very generous Community Grant from the Bendigo Bank. We have been rewarded for our efforts in bringing women of all ages together to sing in harmony.
    Our local Ringwood East & Heathmont Community Bank operates to support the local community with a policy to return up to 80% of profits to local community groups. Their slogan is "See the change your bank can make."
    We would like to thank the Bendigo Bank for being a wonderful supporter of Vocal Vibes.
  • IT'S OFFICIAL!! VV appoints new Director from within!
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 9 Oct 2018
    IT'S OFFICIAL!! VV appoints new Director from within!
    We are delighted to announce the appointment of Vocal Vibes' new Director .. our very own, very talented HENRIETTA FARR!!

    In a few short years Henrietta leapt from youth member to Tenor Section Leader, to Assistant Director. This year she was our nominee for Sweet Ad of the Year, and completed her DCP with the special honour of the prestigious Marian Reinsch award. Henrietta generously took on the challenging role of Caretaker Director for us in June, further demonstrating her abilities, dedication and resourcefulness.

    We could not have been happier when our Director Search committee fully considered & endorsed Henrietta's recent application, and her appointment was overwhelmingly ratified by members.

       Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, glasses   Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, glasses and text    

    Henrietta becomes Vocal Vibes' 3rd Director since chartering in 2010, following founding Director Lorraine Stackpoole, and recently-retired Master Director Jeanette Whitmore.


  • A Cappella Workshop Fun!
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 16 Aug 2018
    A Cappella Workshop Fun!
    Wow! What fun we are having sharing our hobby with others.
    We kicked off week one of our 'Learn to Sing A Cappella' workshops with an amazing 33 women joining us on the risers. There were smiles all round as we harmonized for the first time together. The sound was awesome!
    Week two bought even more adventure as we sang through the song we learnt last week with confidence and began the new song... 'Fields of Gold'. Hat's off to Henrietta (Director extraordinaire) and the Music Team for assisting us with our learning of all four parts to the half way point. We can't wait for next week. Bring it on!

    Registration for this workshop is now closed. 

    If you missed this singing adventure and wish to see what we do... 
    Come and visit us on one of our regular rehearsal nights any time after September the 3rd.
    We welcome visitors all year 'round. (  
    Hope to see you one day soon!  
  • Coming soon - Learn to sing A Cappella
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 28 Jun 2018
    Coming soon - Learn to sing A Cappella
    Learn to Sing A Cappella - 4 week workshop
    More details coming soon!
  • Marian Reinsch Award
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 26 May 2018
    Marian Reinsch Award
    To top off a wonderful convention 2018, our very own Henrietta Farr was presented the 2018 Marian Reinsch Award!! 
    This biennial honour recognises excellence in Director Certification Program (DCP) achievement.  
    We are all so proud of her!!
    Photo by Jen Squires
  • Community Grant
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 4 Feb 2017
     Community Grant
    Vocal Vibes Inc. gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the Maroondah Council Community Grants Funding Program, which enabled us to purchase striking new daytime performance tops for each & every member of the chorus.  We look forward to showing them off, so keep an eye on this website for news of our next local performance!
  • “You’re from the chorus with the white jackets. Which chorus are you? You’re so young!”
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 9 Jun 2016
    “You’re from the chorus with the white jackets.  Which chorus are you?  You’re so young!”
    More than once at convention 2016 our members heard this and it is I suppose quite true:  Vocal Vibes is a young chorus in a number of ways.  In addition to having a sizable contingent of younger-than-average members, in Wollongong our six-year-old chorus competed for only the third time.  It was also our first competition under Jeanette Whitmore, whose superb skills and experience preparing and delivering at competition helped us put out a stronger and more skilled performance than ever before.
    Vocal Vibes is also young because our membership also includes a number of women who are ‘young’ in barbershop:  whose journey in the art form is just beginning.  We took to convention 8 first timers, meaning that nearly 10% of all first timers at convention belonged to Vocal Vibes.  One of these was even at her first ever sing-out ever!  Each Vocal Vibes member receives a butterfly pin after her first sing-out, but the butterfly our Akke earned at Wollongong was extra significant and very well deserved.  Wollongong was of course a huge experience for every first-timer and they were made to feel very special by both Vocal Vibes and the conference organisers.
    As well as competing as a chorus, Vocal Vibes was represented in three quartets:  Momentum, Platinum and Cha-Ching!, each of whom did us proud.  The remaining chorus members watched with a thrill as each foursome took to the stage for the terrifying feat that is Quartet Contest, and the chorus gave its vocal support from the audience.  We were so proud of them and they felt the love flow to the very distant stage.
    When chorus competition day dawned we had the unenviable task of waiting until late afternoon to perform, but much hotel room singing and an inexplicably long and eerily quiet bus ride later, we were suddenly on stage.  A heart-rending interpretation of If I Loved You and a sassy, fun Jazz Me Blues later and it was all over.  But then it wasn’t: we were thrilled to be selected as one of 2 choruses to participate in the master class with judges Sharon Babb and Dale Syverson.  On stage for the second time in 24 hours we nailed our ballad and had fun with our uptune all over again.  The two judges’ wealth of experience and knowledge gave us lots of things to add to our toolbox as we continue to grow and develop in barbershop, and as a chorus.
    Our fine showing at convention in 2016 was the result of an enormous amount of work by our Director, Section leaders, Music and Management teams, Choreographer and Costumer and their dedicated teams, Convention Liaison, our weekly extra practice group organiser, as well as each individual chorus member and the family and friends that help make it all possible. Vocal Vibes says a huge THANK YOU to them all!
    Anna D.
    Bass - Vocal Vibes
  • A Special Announcement!
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 11 Nov 2014
    A Special Announcement!

    Vocal Vibes is very excited to announce the appointment of Jeanette Whitmore as our new director.
    Jeanette is an accomplished barbershop 'Master Director' - one of only six in Australia to achieve this honourable recognition from Sweet Adelines International. She has already won the hearts of each and every member and her talent and expertise is inspiring Vocal Vibes to take it to the next level.

    Our 2014 Maroondah Festival performance was Jeanette's first time at the helm of Vocal Vibes. It was a great day with a number of new ladies performing for the first time with us as well. We're looking forward to many more performances and competitions under Jeanette's wonderful direction.

    We wish to take this opportunity to thank Lorraine Stackpoole, our recently retired director, for her hard work over the past five years getting Vocal Vibes to where we are today. We are very much enjoying having Lorraine now singing on the risers with us.
    Vocal Vibes are getting into the 'Christmas spirit' with performances at several shopping centres and we would love to see you in the audience! Check out the details at this link.

    If you can sing and would like to give Vocal Vibes a try, call and come along to a Monday evening rehearsal.

  • Convention 2014
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 21 May 2014
    Vocal Vibes Chorus had a fabulous time up in Sydney competing in the annual Sweet Adelines competition. It was the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Sweet Adelines in Australia and 37 of the almost 50 members of Vocal Vibes Chorus sang and danced up a storm in the competition this year. We scored an amazing 517 points which placed us 10th out of 23 competing choruses from all around Australia. This is very impressive as Vocal Vibes is only 5 years old. Kerry Haddow says, "We are so excited to have done so well this year. All our ladies are very talented and really love singing together. Vocal Vibes have a great future ahead of them. I'm quite addicted to barbershop singing especially with all of these lovely ladies."